Matt Kendall shares his insight into marketing your coaching practice
When working as an NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist or coach, you need to ensure that you work with the right clients. A lot of time and money is often wasted by practitioners targeting potential clients that are just not suitable to work with. The more you plan and monitor your advertising and revenue, the better you will be able to run your practice.
Firstly you need to decide what service it is you are going to offer or specialise in. There is the temptation to offer a wide range of services, but this will hamper your marketing efforts and not connect you to the right audience. Let’s take a specialism such as weight loss.
People who are interested in weight loss are not going to be interested in stop smoking or career change anxiety, however a lot of practitioners will market all of these services at once on their website.
To become a specialist I would recommend having a small, dedicated site for just that particular service.
The advantage of having a microsite is that everything on there is going to be focused to a particular type of client. Using this approach you can tailor the language, testimonials and styling to the type of potential clients using the site. It is very important to have specific testimonials and case studies for this specialist service.
When using testimonials from previous clients, you can either have them email you, you can audio record them or you can make a video. In terms of building a credible connection to your potential clients, video has the biggest impact. Audio follows video, in terms of credibility, with written testimonials ranking third.
Your testimonials should do three things; to prove you produce results, to build trust and credibility with potential clients and to answer the questions new clients tend to ask a lot.
When I do testimonials for my own practice, I record them over Skype and make them into a video that I host on YouTube. I always make sure I ask new clients to tell me, for example, “How did you hear about me?”, “What have your results been like?”, “What was your experience of the sessions and working with me?”
By getting past clients to answer these, it speaks directly to new clients. This technique also demonstrates your authority in this particular area, and cuts down on a lot of emails addressing questions.
When you have a potential client on your microsite, it is important to guide them through all the information rather than having them just call you.
Use your website to work as a lead generator and also as an educational tool for you and your services. It is increasingly common to use what is known as a ‘lead generator’ in exchange for a name and email.
A lead generator can be a free report, an MP3 download or access to a video. Once someone has entered their email, it automatically gets put into an auto-responder mailing system.
The aim of marketing is not to just create sales, but also to take a lot of the busy work away from you so you can focus on working with clients.
An auto-responder is an email tool that sends out emails on your behalf automatically. After the initial contact, you can programme emails to be sent to your potential client which educates them about you and your service. You can also include testimonials and links to videos etc.
The last part is to have the potential client schedule a consultation with you. You can use simple integrated booking systems to handle all these appointments on your behalf.
When you do finally speak to your potential clients, they are highly qualified as they have been educated in you and your service.
Closing a client like this is very easy and you don’t have to explain everything to them as your marketing has done that for you automatically. Once you have this system set up, you need to drive traffic to your site.
This can be achieved for free be using Facebook, blog posts, YouTube and SEO. You can also use paid sources such as Google and Facebook ads. Just make sure that your new funnel system converts clients before you start to spend lots of money on advertising.
You can always scale up as you go along.
Matt Kendall is founder of Interesting Talks – find out more at