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How To Make A Crazy Sexy Bean Chili by Kris Carr


New York Times best-selling author of “Crazy Sexy Diet”, motivational speaker and wellness coach Kris Carr serves us up a tasty treat …

Welcome to the Wellness revolution!

You’re invited to a marvellous soiree, a wellness revolution to be exact. And the sooner you RSVP the better because wide-sweeping change is happening in homes right across the world. More people than ever before are embracing the transformative power of a plant-based diet. and it isn’t just hippies in hemp and patchouli or Prius-driving latte-guzzlers. From truckers to the First Lady, professional athletes to soccer moms, veg-centred consciousness is skyrocketing.

Some people flock to plant-empowered living for better health; others from spiritual beliefs, animal welfare, respect for the environment, or, best of all, because it tastes great. The simple, fresh fl avours in plant-based meals create layers of taste, while the smells intoxicate and satisfy our senses. This food has style and rhythm, texture and glamour.

Plant-strong cuisine is taking the culinary world by storm, igniting the internet, and permeating the media and pop culture. I am extremely proud to be a voice in an evergrowing movement that will change the course of our health-care systems, and thus, our history.

In my new book, Crazy, Sexy Kitchen, I provide a kind of Veggie Manifesto for gourmands and novices alike. My goal with the book is quite simple. I want to redefine today’s kitchen.

The kitchen has heart, soul and powerful medicine. It’s not only fun to get to know this sacred space, it’s truly liberating. The goodness born in the kitchen will enrich your health, your home and the planet. The recipe I wanted to share with you is my Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli.

It’s a real crowd-pleaser and great for no-stress weeknight dinners. Serve it over brown rice and pair with a side of steamed greens and corn tortillas. enjoy!

Crazy Sexy Bean Chilli

1 1/2 tablespoons cumin seeds 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 white onion, diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 jalapeño, fi nely diced (for less heat, remove seeds and/or use half the pepper) 2 tablespoons chili powder 1 1/2 cups ground seitan (alternatives: crumbled tempeh [wheat-free] or fi nely diced mushrooms [soy-free]) 1 zucchini, diced 1/2 cup diced potato (any kind) Two 15-ounce cans of black beans, rinsed one 15-ounce can of kidney beans, rinsed one 14-ounce can of crushed tomatoes (San Marzano recommended) 2 cups water 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 bunch of fresh coriander 1 cup kale, chopped diced avocado (optional) Fresh coriander (optional)

This crowd-pleaser is a go-to dish for pot lucks, football-watching shindigs, and no-stress weeknight dinners. Serve over Serve over brown rice and pair with a side of steamed greens and corn tortillas. Cumin’s nutty, peppery flavour is popular in Mexican and Indian cuisines. Chili powder contains a unique blend of paprika, onion, garlic, oregano, and cayenne, giving your chili the traditional flavour that keeps you coming back for more.

1. Toast cumin seeds in dry soup pot on medium heat, for 2 minutes until you smell the robust aroma. (This process releases the full flavour of the spice.)

2. Add the olive oil, onion, garlic, and jalapeño. Stir consistently until the onion is golden and translucent.

3. Add in the chili powder, seitan, zucchini, and potato, and stir well. Sautee for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring to avoid sticking.

4. Add in black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes, water, maple syrup, sea salt, and coriander. Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low, and allow to cook for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

5. Remove from heat, and stir in the kale.

6. Serve hot. Garnish with diced avocado and a handful of coriander, if using.


The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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