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I Can Mend Your Broken Heart by Paul McKenna


Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn on the skill of Moving On.


Moving On


For most of us, it still feels hard to let go of a secret desire that somehow a miracle will make everything all right again. So, it’s time to take the first steps towards your new future. The steps are easy, and will help you to feel better straight away without having to think about your ex at all.

This is a time of change. Some of the changes you make will become your new habits, so it is a good idea to choose now the sort of habits you want to live with in your future. Do you want to change your diet? Is there something you’ve been meaning to start but never seemed to have time? Now is your opportunity to start a new regime, take up a new sport or explore a change of lifestyle.

As we have already seen, even the everyday details of your life could have subliminal associations with you ex which cause you unnecessary suffering. It make a lot of sense to change some of those details, by however little. If you have moved house because of the ned of your relationship then you may have lost your home but you do have an opportunity to start afresh with completely new associations.

If you are still living in the same place, take a good look around your environment. What changes have you been wanting to make that you haven’t got round to doing? Were you going to buy something new for your home? Does the kitchen need a lick of paint? How about rearranging the furniture? If you have a set place where you walk on the telephone, why not change it? Each piece of furniture in your home is positioned in a matrix that is associated with your old life. As you move the furniture, even even if only a little, you disrupt the conscious and unconscious associations that it held for you.

So put the table at a different angle, move the telephone to the other side of the bed, swap things around in the living room. This may seem trivial, but it is very powerful, and just how powerful it can be is easy to prove. Do it. Do it today. Do it now. If you are at home, get up right now and move the chair, sofa, bed or whatever you were sitting on so that you see your own home, your own familiar room from a different angle…

Get I Can Mend Your Broken Heart, here

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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