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11 Ways to Laugh it Off by Lori Deschene


“If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.” ~Proverb

Last night a few of my friends and I went to see Chelsea Handler perform stand-up comedy. Whether you’re a fan of her show on E! or not, most would have found her pretty hilarious. I laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more. And you know what? It felt pretty awesome.

Every time I go to a comedy show, probably once or twice a year, I ask myself “Why don’t I do that more often?”

I always have a great time and leave feeling so relaxed and refreshed. I don’t know if it’s the bestmedicine—depends on what ails you!—but laughter is pretty great. It medicates whatever pain or emotional distress you’re feeling and makes everything seem a little bit better.

Weird but True

As I was reading up about laughter on Wikipedia, I found some interesting and obscure facts. Apparently, in 1962 there was an incident called the Tanganyika laughter epidemic—an outbreak of mass hysteria near the village of Kashasha on western coast of Lake Victoria in Tanzania.

It is rumored that the incident started because someone told a joke in a boarding school that got students laughing. That laughter perpetuated itself, and thousands of people were laughing for months. Months.Crazy, huh? Just shows you how contagious laughter can be!

The Benefits of Laughter

This morning I decided to do a little Googling to determine the real benefits of laughter—beyond my highly scientific analysis: “It feels good.” Here’s what I found:

  • Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones in our bodies.
  • Laughter provides both a physical and emotional release.
  • Laughter can be a good workout for your abs, diaphragm, and shoulders.
  • Laughter leaves you feeling more relaxed.
  • Laughter brings the focus away from negative emotions.
  • Laughter can give us a more positive outlook on a situation.
  • Laughter connects us with others.

Laugh It Off

It’s not always easy to just “laugh it off” when you’re going through a difficult time or something tragic happens. But it really does make you feel better. Even if just a little. Next time you’re feeling down—or, hell, even when you’re not feeling down—try out some of these tips to get your laugh on.

  • Turn on a funny movie or TV show.
  • Look in the mirror and make silly faces (yes, this works).
  • Spend a night (or two) at your local comedy club.
  • Flip the channel to Comedy Central.
  • Take a look at the comics in the newspaper. It’s funnier than the news.
  • Peruse the internet for funny websites like FunnyOrDie or someecards.
  • Ask yourself, “How is this situation funny?” when you’re upset.
  • Hang out with funny friends. You know who they are.
  • Read a funny book. (I would highly recommend Handler’s 2 bestsellers).
  • Fake it. Apparently fake laughter has the same benefits.
  • Check out some funny quotes from TV shows and movies here.

This post first appeared on Tiny Bhudda.

Ali Campbell

Ali Campbell is one of the world's leading life coaches and NLP'ers. He has built an enviable reputation as a highly motivational Coach, Therapist, Author and Presenter. Ali is the creator of the internationally acclaimed weight loss solution, The Slim Girls Box Of Secrets sold in over 44 countries and any internationally bestselling author with Just Get On With It - A caring compassionate kick up the ass published last year by Hay House even outselling the Dali Lama. As a trusted advisor to celebrities, business leaders and even royalty around the world. in the UK Ali is widely featured in the media, on television, radio and in print. With expertise gained right at the cutting edge of personal development Ali's no nonsense 'arm round your shoulder and a kick up the butt' style makes him truly unique in a field often dominated by more spin than substance.

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