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Work at your worth by Bernardo Moya


We all know the old saying that begins “give a man a fish…” that basically tells us that it’s not enough to do something good for someone. You’ve also got to think about exactly what it is you’re doing.

The saying argues against short-termism and taking a view on the long-term outcome for the person you want to help. For me, this is a great phrase that really sums up the stories and articles in The Best You this month.

If you consider Rafael Nadal’s story, which we cover this month, you’ll see that there were people in his life who had his long term interests at heart – and because of it, made his life as a child deliberately tough. Through teaching him the skills of endurance and staying with it when things became difficult, his Uncle Toni showed him the mentality of a world beater.

For John Bird, co-founder of the famous street magazine The Big Issue, you’ll see that the message also applies. John is desperate to help the homeless around the world, and the way to do it, he believes and argues passionately, is to give them a sense of worth, purpose and self-reliance. That doesn’t necessarily mean giving them hand-outs, but rather showing them how to take charge of their own lives and take responsibility, too.

In the interview I had with him, I was struck by a phrase he used. He talked about the Government’s Rough Sleepers Initiatives, and how they had “warehoused” the homeless and made them dependent. John’s is a fascinating call to really make you think how you can not only do some good in the world, but also to do the best good you can think of. That means sometimes not taking the easy option, either for you or the recipient of your kindness.

And of course, T Harv Eker’s article about the power of gratitude is another angle on that same debate on the nature of kindness and of receiving.

I hope you’ll draw on the inspirations in this magazine, as well as use the advice given in its pages where you can.

 Whether you want to become a world beater, or simply take more charge of your own life and got more of the things you want, The Best You magazine is here as your resource to make changes. And it’s not here for a day, but for your life.

“A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.” – David Brinkley

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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