just by picking up and reading The Best You, you are probably more predisposed than most towards discovering ideas that will help you to achieve your goals and work towards the life that you really want. This issue, we have plenty of expert advice and tips for all areas of your life.
Our cover star Ruby Wax is familiar to us as the outspoken, brazen and funny comedian who says the things that we might think, but would not necessarily say. While she has entertained us on stage and screen for more than 20 years, she has suffered depression for most of her adult life.
At her worst, she took herself to The Priory to recover, but she subsequently decided to tackle her own mental health through study, and now has a master’s degree from Oxford in CBT.
Today she is working to spread the message that mental health is an issue that affects us all, and one that we should tackle collectively and openly.
Her latest stage show, Sane New World, which draws from her book of the same name, combines her trademark humour with audience participation – the results, she says, are empowering. Read her interview with The Best You on page 22, and then why not think about how you can improve your mental health and that of those around you. Encourage an open attitude and seek support to achieve inner peace and happiness.
Elsewhere, Dr John Demartini writes about how our state of mind has the power to affect the way that we age. We chat with Emmanuel Jal about his amazing life journey from child soldier to peace fighter; ahead of Wimbledon, we profile the sports career of Novak Djokovic; and meet Simon Parke whose own path has taken him from the priesthood to supermarket worker, newspaper columnist and now CEO. There’s health and wellbeing advice, business wisdom and practical ways to overcome adversity, support your family and boost your happiness.
Why not make this the month that you take the next steps towards improving your outlook and the world around you? We want to hear about your success stories, insights, advice and tips that you have used to achieve your goals. Write an article, create a video and then turn to page 7 to read about how you can become a contributor to
The Best You. We look forward to sharing your insights and experiences in a future issue.