The world-renowned care facility and research institute is a lifeline for many, and it relies on your support
Great Ormond Street Hospital is one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals and research centres, caring for seriously ill children and teenagers, as well as their families. Many of Great Ormond Street Hospital young patients face life-threatening diseases and have spent the majority of their lives in hospital awaiting treatment.
A dedicated and tireless staff of over 2,400 people cares for the patients, while also providing assistance to the families of terminally-ill children at the Hospital’s Louis Dundas Centre. The Hospital is also known as a pioneer in research, exploring new treatments, potential cures and preventions.
Every day, Great Ormond Street Hospital provides invaluable care and expertise to young people and their families, and The Best You: A Better World is proud to support their life-changing and life-saving work. To find out how you can support the hospital visit