A unique blend of physician, filmmaker and monk, Dr. Pedram Shojai, is searching for truth, specifically the truth about your health. Kristen White chats to him and finds it’s never too late to make a U-turn into the direction of true health.
Dr. Pedram Shojai spent four years as a Toaist monk and working deeply with the principles of Kung Fu. During this time he contemplated daily how he could help the world. Soon after, Shojai became a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and as he delved in to the medical system, he says that he struck by the limitations of the medical system. Specifically, the processes with insurance and prescriptions, which forced him to offer “disease care” and not health care and prevention. This compelled him to look for alternatives.
“Most people in the western world walk around cranky, tired and don’t have the energy to get through the day without relying heavily on coffee to boost their mood and performance,” says Dr. Shojai.
“Kids are walking around without parents, and living with this pain, because their fathers and mothers have died from preventable diseases,” says Shojai. “We exist in a culture where the leading cause of death is Heart Disease and Diabetes and it does not have to be this way.”
A lot of the awareness needed for you to experience true health, centers around food. The main focus being these two key questions: What food do we eat? And how do we prepare this food? “A lot of the food available today contributes to our lifestyle illnesses,” says Shojai. This realization led Dr. Shojai, who runs a thriving alternative medicine practice in Orange County in California, to create a film called Vitality. The film is about four key areas, which once mastered, create and experience of true health and vitality. These four key areas are diet, exercise, sleep and mindset.
“Small changes in each area can lead to a big difference in how we feel,” says Shojai. For example, if we simply cut out foods containing gluten, after 100 days we may notice we have more energy, we have lost weight and we have clear thinking. Or, in the area of mindset, if we spend time meditating and releasing our expectations, in a few months, we suddenly notice a sense of happiness and the stress appears to have melted away. Dr Shojai says the key is small consistent actions that lead us to a new reality in our personal health.
But what about people who already have diabetes or have been diagnosed with a life impacting illness? “It’s never too late to turn your health round,” says Dr Shojai.
“I’ve seen miracles happen for people, the stories are coming out of everywhere. When you change what you eat, long-standing and chronic conditions can sometimes simply disappear,” he says.
“The film Vitality, is an opportunity for people to gain an understanding of what’s possible. For many of us, we don’t know what true health can look like. Perhaps you have given up and believe you feel bad because this is what happens when you age, it does not have to be this way,” says Pedram.
How long does it take to start to see results?
“I’ve seen a dramatic shift in people in a matter of a few weeks,” Shojai reveals. “Its amazing the power of the body to heal itself. But you need to remember, you did not get to this place in your health overnight and it can take time to shed all of the toxins in your body and start to move steadily …
As a reader of The Best You, we are giving you an opportunity to see the film for free, please visit http://well.org/bestyou