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Unconditional Love by Andrea Evans


Today I had the pleasure of visiting Luv-a-pet animal rescue and adoption services. I was greeted by a very loving black kitty looking for a home. Anyone who knows me personally is well aware of my obsession with animals, and craze for my own cats. These little furry pals of mine are the perfect example of unconditional love, and what it means to truly live in love. We can learn from our pets how to forgive, see each-other as equals, and be loyal. I never heard my cat say, “she doesn’t look so good today, so I’m going to with-hold petting rights.” or “she didn’t give me the attention I desired yesterday, so I am now mad at her.” Nope, they just don’t do that. Our pets love us no matter what, have no judgements, and are always happy to see us.


I was truly inspired by this woman Denise, the founder of Luv-a-pet, and one of her active volunteers, Jamie. Denise has been rescuing animals for 10 years, and providing mobile veterinary service (with the help of a veterinarian) for 8. Three years ago she opened a store front. Everyone that works for her is a volunteer, and the shelter runs on donations and grants. She told me an amazing story about a $5,000 vet bill that was paid by a single woman, as a donation. Miracle after miracle has happened for Denise, as she trusts and believes that her efforts from the heart are worth the risk of not having enough funding to pay the bills to keep the shelter going. Something or someone always comes through. Her courage is a reminder of trusting and believing that when you live from your heart, what you put out comes back to you in like-kind. Her karma is good. I told Denise I would help her in any way I can. First, by making a personal donation for her cause, and second by bringing awareness to beautiful people who live from their heart, and the cause of helping animals. If you want to check out Denise’s efforts, www.luvapet.net. What a beautiful cause. Animals need love, as do humans, and we can learn from their unconditional ways.


“This post first appeared on The Spreadhappy.”

Ali Campbell

Ali Campbell is one of the world's leading life coaches and NLP'ers. He has built an enviable reputation as a highly motivational Coach, Therapist, Author and Presenter. Ali is the creator of the internationally acclaimed weight loss solution, The Slim Girls Box Of Secrets sold in over 44 countries and any internationally bestselling author with Just Get On With It - A caring compassionate kick up the ass published last year by Hay House even outselling the Dali Lama. As a trusted advisor to celebrities, business leaders and even royalty around the world. in the UK Ali is widely featured in the media, on television, radio and in print. With expertise gained right at the cutting edge of personal development Ali's no nonsense 'arm round your shoulder and a kick up the butt' style makes him truly unique in a field often dominated by more spin than substance.

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