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Two sides to a story by Bernardo Moya

Today I was thinking of a discussion I had with a close friend about the outcome of a particular day that has changed so much in Europe. The fact is, we have known each other for years, but we see the circumstances of that day in a completely different way and that’s OK!

In life, the saying goes there are at least two sides to every story. With our recent referendum and “Brexit” there were two completely opposing sides to the Brexit story.

Some wanted out, some wanted in – and yet at the same time, we both wanted the same. We both wanted what we believed was The Best for the country, even though we saw it in completely different ways…

Our days, our present, our life or our future can also be seen differently depending on how we want to see it. At this time, where there is so much division, it’s vital to remember there are always two sides to every story and, there is always more than one way to see things.

That’s why right now I encourage people to stay focused, remain positive and “Look on the bright side of life…”

Remember, too, your life is your story. What you want to make it of it and what type of story it is depends exclusively on you. Orson Welles said: If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.

If you’re headed away for a summer break, The Best You’s bumper issue of inspiration is your perfect inspirational read. This issue, we profile Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr and Olympic gold medallist Jessica EnnisHill, who is preparing for Rio. We chat with celebrity farmer Jimmy Doherty, adventurer Alastair Humphrey, media expert

Fiona Harrold and hot property The Oola Guys. Discover how to realise your dreams with advice from Cissi Williams and Steve Consalvez, discover health and wellbeing advice from Kirsten Hartvig, Lisa Lister and Dr Sarah Myhill, and learn how to stand out from the crowd with advice from Paul Boross. Wherever you are going and whatever your dreams,

The Best You is your passport to happiness.


Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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