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They’ve got that MOBO workin’

In its 18th year, the MOBO Organisation reenergises its MOBO UnSung talent competition with a new prize package to set undiscovered talent on the road to success in the music industry.


HTC, the MOBO Awards’ official partner, collaborates with the winner to use its award winning technology to enrich the winners’ experience. The winner also has the exciting opportunity to work with award-winning director Sebastian Thiel, who will direct their music video.


Nurturing talent, providing a platform for aspiring artists and finding the next big thing are all part of the MOBO ethos. MOBO UnSung encapsulates these values with an online competition to push talent out of the shadows and into the limelight giving a wider voice to unsigned artists with the grit and determination to make it big. Now entering its second year as a digital competition, the national contest presented by HTC offers the ultimate in ‘money can’t buy’ prizes for one lucky winner including exposure on MOBO.com, live-feeds to millions of mobile devices around the world, the chance to perform at this year’s MOBO nominations launch in September and a one year membership to the exclusive members club, The Hospital in London.


New for 2013, SupaPass provides the ultimate mentoring package for the UnSung winner by giving vital social media training and campaign management to ensure they succeed in the ever changing music landscape. Base79, YouTube marketers, will also give the winner invaluable advice on how to grow, maximise and monetise their own YouTube Channel.


Kanya King MBE, founder of the MOBO Organisation commented:
“I am delighted to announce the second year of the MOBO UnSung competition presented by HTC. Over the past 18 years, MOBO has supported a huge amount of new and emerging talent which due to our platform went on to obtain chart topping success. It is with this legacy that we celebrate MOBO UnSung and search the country for the best in under heard talent. If you have got what it takes, MOBO wants you to step up to the challenge to make your mark on the music industry”.


MOBO UnSung is not just a talent competition. It’s a massive platform for exposing new vocal talent and scouting the best of UK urban talent. In this digital era where technology is so powerful and used as a main communication tool, MOBO UnSung is offering great new talent the chance to take their career to a new level and to maximise on the digital opportunities that lies ahead.


MOBO has helped launch the careers of many over the 18 years, from the likes of chart topping urban group N Dubz, taking their dream to the main stage. MOBO wants all artists to have the best possible chance of achieving success. Few competitions provide the spectrum of information needed when you are just starting out in the music business, as well as a window onto the complex facets of the industry guided by the finest experts.


And the 2013 MOBO UnSung winner is…

IN’SIGHT! After scouting the nation to find the best unheard talent, In’Sight proved to be the top choice for MOBO fans. They scored the most votes and wowed the MOBO Team with their fantastic voice and stage presence. The prizes include:

  • The opportunity to perform at the MOBO 18 nominations launch party
  • A brand new HTC One phone
  • Having their music video filmed by award winning director Sebastian Thiel
  • One-year membership to The Hospital Club
  • A SupaPass package where they will receive social media/campaign management training and mentoring to learn to earn more money from their music

“We are extremely grateful, and humbled for winning Mobo’s Unsung Competition 2013,” In’Sight said. “We were not expecting to be winners, or even finalists! Everyone who voted for gave us a sense of belief in ourselves and our talent, and we just want to keep doing this, not just because we are passionate about music, but also for everyone who believes in us. So we want to say a big thank you to everyone who voted for us, and to the MOBO Unsung Competition for giving unsigned and unrecognised artists like ourselves a platform to showcase our talents.”

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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