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The missing element to the law of attraction by Tamsen Garrie

Success just doesn’t happen, it requires you to act to attract it!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people appear to create success in their lives with ease whilst others appear destined to struggle? The answer lies in ‘Attraction’.

Attraction is working for you right now. That’s right – you are already attracting into your life people, events and circumstances – whether you’re attracting the ones you want or not is another matter!

You may already have an understanding of ‘attraction’ in the pursuit of success as a result of knowing about the universal Law of Attraction. This law is said to determine the order of the universe and our lives based on the principle ‘like attracts like’.

It states that when we experience thoughts and feelings, we send an equivalent energy frequency out into the universe and that the universe responds by sending back to us events and circumstances that are on that same frequency. So, for example, if you have angry thoughts and subsequently feel angry, then an angry frequency is emitted and you attract events and circumstances that cause you to feel more anger. Conversely, if your thoughts are positive and your feelings are ones of happiness, you attract back positive, happy events and circumstances.

Now, if you buy-into the basic premise that perception is reality, then this is easy to accept. However, The Law of Attraction also claims that desirable outcomes such as health and wealth are attracted into our lives through the way we think and feel, and that by simply changing the way we think and feel we can change our lives. That we simply need to be clear about what we want, visualise it and ask for it, believe that we deserve it and have faith that we will receive it, give thanks for it as if it has already happened, and it will miraculously manifest.

Now, whilst I have personally worked with The Law of Attraction for many years and whilst I have experienced successes which can be attributed in many ways to the way I think and feel, the most significant success I have experienced in my life has come as a result of combining these principles with specific action.

It is not enough to strongly desire something, and to believe you deserve it. You have to actually ‘do’ something too. There is a reason why the word Attraction contains the word Action, and that’s because our success is influenced greatly by our activity, that’s both our internal activity, so our desires, beliefs, thoughts and feelings, AND our external activity, so, our language, behaviour and actions.This is what I call The Act Of Attraction.

The Act Of Attraction is based on the words embedded within the word ATTRACTION:

 ATTRACT > ACTION > TRACTION. All three words contain the word ‘Act’ and the word ‘Act’ also sits at the centre of the word ‘Attraction’, so it’s pretty fundamental to the process.

 ATTRACT is your internal activity. It is about what you want, what you believe, what you think and what you feel and because it’s what drives your motivation, it is therefore the basis from which everything else stems.

ACTION is your external activity. It’s about the actions you take that other people notice and the perception that creates. It’s what you say and do and it’s the intentional steps you take towards a specific goal.

TRACTION is the cumulative effect of ATTRACT and ACTION. Traction is defined in the dictionary as adhesion and unforced forward movement and it’s what happens when your desires, beliefs, thoughts and feelings are aligned with what you’re actually doing. Traction often manifests as a ‘feeling’ or a ‘sensation’ before it manifests as a tangible outcome:

All of our actions start to impact in all areas and we begin to feel like we are progressing forwards effortlessly. As a result, we experience a gentle ‘draw’ as opposed to the forced ‘push’ that is so often associated with effort.

When you have your internal and external activity working together in tandem, you can’t help but succeed – what other possible outcome is there?

To find out more about The Act Of Attraction, you can download a FREE sample of the book The Act Of Attraction In Business here: www.tamsengarrie.biz

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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