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The life coach that fits in your bag

In our digital world, there’s still a place for paper notebooks. As Entrepreneur Angelia “Angel” Trinidad’s Passion Planners prove

There’s nothing quite like putting pen to paper. We might spend half out lives glued to screens, but when it comes to getting creative – whether it’s artwork, short stories, poems or personal thoughts – paper is still king.

As the CEO of notebook brand Moleskine Arrigo Berni concluded, his customers are “not people who are clinging to paper with a nostalgic feeling, but rather people that have both digital and analog as part of their lives.” Yes, he says, we live in an increasingly digital world, but we “still have a need for physical experience, for emotional experiences that digital devices doesn’t always provide”.

American graduate Angelia “Angel” Trinidad could not agree more. When she graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in art, she didn’t know what to do. Like many students she felt lost and directionless, both professionally and emotionally.

Angel sought a paper planner to try and make sense of her situation, and when she couldn’t find one she saw a business opportunity and decided to design her own. She called it a Passion Planner.

Turning to Kickstarter to get funding, Angel was aiming for $10,000; she raised more than half a million.

“We went viral for a whole week, it was insane,” she says.”It’s this thing that is so intuitive. It’s between you and paper and a pen. It’s kind of meditative,” she says. “When I’m on the phone, it’s never meditative. It’s always task-y.”

Although Angel loves apps, she also sees that humans need a more intimate way to create.

“I feel there’s a huge need for paper in this increasingly digital world,” she says. “I look at my planner and I think of it as my second brain. I look back at something on there and it’s like, ‘Oh, I wrote that.’ ”

Now we just have to wait and see what Entrepreneur Angel is planning next…

For more info visit www.passionplanner.com

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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