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The Best You Legacy Club

The Best You Legacy Club

Be part of something bigger; join the place where passionate, like-minded people come together to make a real difference

The Best You Legacy Club is a global network that helps people find their purpose and leave a legacy. It’s a place to share ideas, to find inspiration, to connect with people who care and who can support you, and ultimately to expand your network and grow your career or business, all while making the world a better place.

It is The Best You’s mission to support individuals and organisations who strive to help others reach their potential and – in doing so – make the world a better place. Now we have launched our Legacy Club and a new online platform to expand our reach even further, and you can be part of it.

If you are an entrepreneur, a coach or a trainer, our Legacy Club will lift your brand to the next level. This is a whole new take on business connections, where we will support you to achieve your goals and secure your legacy.

Joining Legacy Club means you will become a key figure in a global club that connects you with the very best names in the personal development industry. It is a partnership between you and The Best You positions you as a thought leader, called a Legacy Club Director.

We will provide everything you need to run your own mastermind club, including logos, branding, support materials, and training to enable you to host events, interview big names and have countless opportunities to expand your own business and boost revenue. It’s networking on steroids! Be part of something bigger and join The Best You Legacy Club today.

To find out more about how to reconnect in a disconnected world visit www.thebestyoulegacyclub.com


USA: Calabasas – Candace Coleman
Beverley Hills – Cindy Villarreal
Los Angeles – Bernardo Moya
San Diego – Cindy Villarreal
Temecula – Ursula Garrett
Austin – Cindy Villarreal
Dallas – Laura Butler
Houston – Cindy Villarreal

UK: Belfast – Janice Muldoon
Mild Ulster – Hugh McAlinden
London – Bernardo Moya
Surrey – Marina Roberts

Spain: Marbella – Glenda Smithson & Kathleen Parker

Greece: Athens – Evangelia Zouroudi

Romania: Bucharest – Madi Martino

India: Mumbai – Sirisha Ravuri

And coming soon in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Dubai; UAE

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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