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Space for Giants

Space For Giants

Space for Giants

Campaigns to stop the slaughter of Africa’s elephants are gaining ground. Space for Giants warns: don’t stop yet

One third of the elephants in Africa were killed for their tusks in just three years, leaving only 400,000 of the large mammal throughout the continent. The illegal ivory trade is an epidemic, and despite progress being made to halt poaching in certain parts of Africa, it continues to rage.

Space for Giants is an international conservation charity that works to protect elephants from imminent threats, while preserving the landscapes they depend on for survival. Space for Giants works in Kenya, Gabon, Uganda and Botswana, using science and best-practice to develop and implement anti-poaching initiatives, secure protected territories for elephants, and train Rapid Response teams to deal with immediate poaching threats.

The charity also focuses on resolving problems that arise when people and elephants live alongside one another, and thus allowing them to co-exist peacefully. Space for Giants has been instrumental in the implementation of tougher wildlife crime laws, and as a result more poachers are being convicted and imprisoned.

While progress is being made, the future of the species remains under critical threat. You can help Space for Giants keep the pressure on poachers by adopting an elephant for £5 a month. You can also choose to adopt multiple elephants, or a whole family.

For more information and to get involved visit www.spaceforgiants.org

Follow Space for Giants on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @spaceforgiants

Space for Giants’ work in Kenya has seen an 84% reduction of illegally killed elephants

The Best You

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