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Sole searching

Sole Searching

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Get happy feet thanks to the medical pedicure, by Kate Wills” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]The salon pedicure is as much a part of the pre- holiday ritual as a new bikini. But the growing shift towards more holistic beauty treatments means that medical pedicures, which address the real problems with your feet – rather than just covering them up with pretty polish, are growing in demand. More than just a quick buff and shape, the medical pedicure involves a trained podiatrist getting to the root of your foot issues, whether it’s cracked heels, calluses or corns.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle”][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]The Margaret Dabbs clinic in Marylebone specialises in medical pedicures and my podiatrist Nico takes me into a private room.

There’s no bubbling foot spa or magazines to flick through, just a reclining chair like at the dentist. ‘Medicures’ are performed on dry feet, and while it may not seem as relaxing as a traditional pedi, Nico immediately puts me at ease by telling me my feet look good as he checks them carefully. “I’m looking at the nails and between the toes, assessing the condition of the skin,” he says. “Often problems with the feet can be an early-warning sign of many health issues, such as diabetes.” Nico removes my chipped ancient pink polish, and explains to me that most nail polishes can be very drying, and shouldn’t be left on longer than two weeks. He then gets to work removing my dry skin with a scalpel, buffing and shaping my nails, and rehydrating my skin with Margaret Dabbs signature products which all contain emu oil – known for its anti-ageing, anti- inflammatory, antibacterial properties.

After 45 minutes my feet look super-healthy, feel baby-bottom smooth and even putting my shoes on seems different. It’s transformative in a way a standard salon pedi could never hope to be – and the results last much longer. The medical pedicure is officially good for the sole.

The Medical Pedicure is available in Margaret Dabbs London Clinics nationwide.

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