I was lucky enough to have spent my early years being brought up in Spain, and I can tell you one thing for sure: in Spain you don’t normally talk about the weather! It’s sunny. It’s lovely. So there’s not much to talk about. When I was younger, I never understood why people in this country spent so much time talking about it. Well… now, I get it!
It has been a long, long winter! How long? Well it feels like four to five years! And despite my Spanish surprise at all things British and meteorological, I have recently found myself discussing the weather with quite a few people. I can tell you, it’s the word on the street. The same questions come up time and time again: How long has this winter been, and for the love of all things holy, when is it going to finish?
I’ve got some good news. Winter was officially over on March the 20th. That’s the vernal equinox, when spring finally starts to swell the world with life. So now is the time to start looking at green shoots, time to notice the fresh air, the mildness of the weather – and hopefully – the gentle rays of the sun. (It’s up there somewhere, above those clouds!)
It’s well known that more sunlight causes a release of Vitamin D into the body, boosting our immune systems and reducing tension. It’s great to lift moods. Things look… different. We feel lighter, we are so much more optimistic.
So my question to you is, what else, or where else, can we get more spring to our lives? How do we get more positive mood, and make spring more wonderful and life-giving?
Maybe it’s time to stop watching the winter news on TV or reading depressing stories in the newspaper. After all, why do we want people telling us how bad things are, or what problems we are all meant to be having?
Of course, I know that bad news sells. But, I wonder, why do we buy it when it can be so bad for us? Why are we so often so focused on bad news? There’s a well-known adage in Personal Development that you get more of what you focus on. If you surround yourself with positive people, focus on good news, happy things you will feel different. This is not positive thinking and aspiration. It’s brain science!
So where can you make spring come to life? Whatever the weather over the next few weeks, it’s about time we bring spring to our work, to our new marketing campaigns, or how we talk to people. Even we at The Best You are embracing spring with a new look. I know you’re only six pages into the magazine, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that something is slightly different. We’re going for a cleaner, more modern look, which we think represents spring perfectly. It’s about time we shared a bit more spring with our loved ones.
After all spring is a frame of mind! The grey skies and the cold can definitely have an impact – but the fact is, it’s down to you.
“Don’t knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation if it didn’t change once in a while.”
By Bernardo Moya