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People Who Love Their Phone More Than Their Partners by The Best You

More than 1 in 4 of us would rather spend 24 hours without our romantic partner, than our mobile phone. That’s the finding of a survey by The Best You, the UK’s leading personal development magazine.

The independent study reveals that 26% of those surveyed prefer to be with their smartphone, with 31% of women more likely to choose their mobile over their mate. Unsurprisingly, those aged between 18-44 were most likely to choose their phone over their partners, while 79% of respondents aged 65+ preferred to lose their phone rather than their loved one. In fact, those who are married or living with someone (80%) and those living in the Midlands (79%) are more romantically inclined, preferring human contact rather than digital downtime.

“We were intrigued to know which would come out top,” says The Best You’s editor, Bernardo Moya, “and while, thankfully, most of us would choose our partner over our phone, there is still a significant minority who think their mobile is more important. “With the ‘head up’ movement, we are seeing a slight shift in our attitude to technology, and the digital pendulum may be swinging back to achieve more balance in our lives, but this does give an interesting perspective on current attitudes.”

ENDS Editor’s note: The Best You is the UK’s leading personal development magazine, available in print and digitally at thebestyou.co. Published monthly, the title is read by more than 15,000 and attracts more than 11,000 unique visits each week. Contact: Bernardo Moya, editor,

The Best You: email [email protected], tel: 020 7 927 6502

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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