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Present & Correct by Dani Dipirro

Dani DiPirro is founder of PositivelyPresent.com, an inspirational site to help people live more happily in the moment. With the release of two gift books, Gratitude and Living in the Moment, penned and illustrated by DiPirro, we discover the story behind her work


In the jumble of life that most of us lead, it can be hard to find the moment to reflect, achieve mindfulness and be grateful for the small positives that are all around us, if we only stop to see them. It’s often from the lows that we can see the highs, and it’s this that was the catalyst for blogger, author and creative artist Dani DiPirro to launch her online platform, Positively Present, in 2009.

At a time when blogging was rarely a full-time career, DiPirro felt the inner pull towards creating something as a forum for sharing positive thoughts.

“I was at a low point in my life,” she recalls. “My career as a marketer for a wealth management firm, was not fulfilling and I wasn’t in a good relationship. Nothing felt right yet something inside me knew something needed to happen, that I should be more mindful and grateful, and I launched Positively Present to share my feelings.”

The blog provides a platform for anything and everything focused on positive personal development. In the same year, DiPirro’s blog was featured in The Washington Post Express, yet it would be three years before the author left her job and embarked upon her first book, Stay Positive. “I started my blog as a hobby but
I wanted to do it full-time so I saved up until I was ready to take the leap.”

Along the way, DiPirro studied graphic design, and her sites and books are illustrated with her contemporary artwork, delivered in uplifting hues. DiPirro’s digital space has been pivotal in achieving a loyal fan base which avidly consumes all that she publishes. Each year she creates a diary/planner, which is snapped up by her followers, and technology is a great conduit to sharing her teachings.

I love social media as it enables you to create global connections. I use great apps for mindfulness and meditation and I follow other bloggers who I admire.

“What I love most is creating a community of like-minded people. There’s a ton of negativity on social media, but my work draws positive people and is a great focal point for positivity.”

Whether online or in print, DiPirro has the ability to draw her audience’s attention to the moment, to simplify the stresses of daily life and return our focus to the things that matter most.

Now, she has released two new books, Gratitude and Living in the Moment, the first in an eventual series of four feel-good titles that are vibrantly illustrated and feature 18 inspirational quotes. Each one is followed by an insightful explanation, a thought-provoking activity or question and a memorable affirmation. The content aims to inspire readers to think about the theme in a fresh way and to incorporate these thoughts into their daily lives. Both subjects are close to DiPirro’s own life.

“Living in the moment is one of my big problems, personally,” says DiPirro.

“I’m often guilty of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. I started my blog in my mid-20s which was a transition period in my life. It was exciting as it was scary, and I did a lot of worrying.

Yet living in the moment is the only thing we have for sure. “Similarly I struggle with staying positive. As soon as I start thinking about things that are going well, I realise how much there is to be thankful for and wonder what I’m complaining about. Positivity and staying present are both so important, and these aspects of life apply to all of us. They have the power to turn our mindset around and to help us to move forwards, even in the toughest times.”

With books on compassion and forgiveness upcoming in the series, DiPirro is a regular contributor to several magazines, and busy maintaining her blog, much to the delight of those who welcome her weekly posts. “I feel very blessed to be doing what I do, and to share what inspires me.”

Gratitude and Living in the Moment are published by Watkins.

Find out more at positivelypresent.com

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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