Hello, and welcome to the March 2014 issue of The Best You. Now you can relax knowing that the worst of winter is over and spring is just around the corner. Don’t let the weather get you down, though. We have a great issue for you this month, packed with great articles to make this world a little brighter and more well balanced.
With The Wolf of Wall Street hitting the silver screen a few months back and garnering all sorts of buzz in the award world, we profile the leading man, Leonardo DiCaprio. We were surprised to learn that he grew up in virtual squalor, and has defied the odds to make something of himself. Just our kind of guy! We also caught up with personal development events co-ordinator and all round powerhouse, Gail Kingsbury. In fact, we took such a liking to each other that we have decided to become media partners, so she’ll be coming onboard as a contributing editor from next month.
Alexandra Truta wrote a fabulous article on love becoming obsession. Wise words and warnings for all of us who have loved a bit too much. And relationship counselling charity, OnePlusOne inspires us with the lowdown on celebrity couples that people strive to be like. We were chuffed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge topped the list.
This month we are waging war on sugar, so we dedicated four pages to this lesser-known evil. Excess sugar causes type 2 diabetes, obesity and a myriad of other health problems. Our sugar intake has increased by 40 per cent in the last 50 years, and it’s not slowing down. We look at foods with hidden sugar and what they are really doing to your body.
We also welcome personal development guru, Brian Tracy as a special guest contributor. He writes what he knows best, all about achieving your goals. Then we caught up with Shane Caniglia, president of The Rich Dad Company, and chatted about his career in the world of technology.
All this and so much more!
All contributors include: Alexandra Truta, Benjamin Bonetti, Hakkem Kae-Kazim, James Haskell, Brian Tracy and Thomas Gagliano.