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Let food be your medication

Let food be your medication

What’s on your plate affects your whole life, says Agnes Khan

Food allergies are on the rise globally. In America, the prevalence of food allergies in children increased by 50 percent between 2006 and 2012, and every three minutes this type of allergic reaction sends someone to hospital.

Agnes Khan is a mother of two. Her youngest son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies aged just four.

“Not only did he have severe allergies, he also had eczema and just was not well,” she says. “Conventional medicine would only consider treatment not cause. So I decided to explore it myself.”

Khan, a lawyer and property investor, moved to the UK from Poland 18 years ago. It was through a link to her homeland that she discovered Polish author Anna Ciesielska, who has helped thousands of people turn their health around by considering the actual nature of food and making changes to their diet. After meet with Ciesielska, who speaks no English, Khan started implementing her advice for her son.

“It was miraculous,” says Khan. “It helped him immediately. His eczema cleared up, he had more energy, and soon his allergies disappeared.”

That was in 2009, and nine years on the entire Khan family still follow the lifestyle Ciesielska promotes. It combines the wisdom of modern medicine with preventive treatment, a well-balanced diet and respect for the laws of nature, such as eating what is in season and in accordance with climate.

Khan explains that “the climate you live in has influence on our health, and the fruit and vegetables grown near us are much more beneficial to our health than those produced far away. If you live in London and you eat a Californian diet, full of exotic fruits, as much as you think it’s ‘good’ for you, the products are actually wrong. They cool the body rather than warm, and this will have negative side effects over time, such as problems with immunity, tiredness or headache.”

“The approach that Ciesielska teaches is not difficult, but requires a bit of effort at the start to eat what’s in season and balance foods. It’s not a quick fix, but once you feel the difference you never look back. I believe we can prevent many of our health illnesses just by understanding how important the food we eat is,” says Khan.

Khan describes herself as Ciesielska’s ‘messenger,’ translating her books Philosophy of Health and Philosophy of Life in order to bring her message to the rest of the world. Khan is not a dietician or nutritionist, but rather a ‘preventionist,’ and she’s now the Founder and CEO of the organisation 5 Flavours of Health.

“5 Flavours of Health is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle. For many years many of us have been putting the wrong fuel in our body, and that is most probably, why we have health problems today,” says Khan.
Philosophy Of Health

“I believe foods can be the cause of diabetes, allergies, heart problems, and many more illnesses. The good news is that with some serious lifestyle changes we are able to get better. My message is very clear: what is on our plate really affects our lives.”

Today, Khan gives speeches and runs workshops and courses to reach as many people as she can, including at schools where she can educate younger generations.

“I advertised some workshops recently, news spread and they sold out in 24 hours. A big component of what I teach is showing how to balance the flavours in a meal, so it not only tastes great, but it is also easily absorbed by our body,” says Khan. “It is not about trying to invent new ways of life, but rather discovering the food which is around you, selecting it sensibly in the right seasons of the year.”

“I want to teach people how they can take responsibility of changing the way they eat in order to stay healthy. Food is powerful. It can be the best way to prevent health problems,” says Kahn.

Kahn teaches that we must look closer at what we eat. That is the future of food, and the future of health.

5 Flavours of Health will be out this summer

For more information visit www.5flavoursofhealth.com or email [email protected]

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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