It’s Never Too Late
As time goes by, we often think that we have missed our opportunity to do something.
But the truth is you’ll never get something done unless you start it. And the story of the following two women should make anyone who thinks they’re “too old” to think again.
Mary Wesley had lived a varied and interesting life by the time in 1969 at the age of 57 she published two books for children.
That seemed to be it for Mary Wesley. But then, in 1982, at the grand old age of 70, Mary began an amazingly creative period of her life. In the following nine years she wrote and published seven amazingly popular novels that were turned into tv shows and movies. She might be described as a “late bloomer”.
Then there’s the story of Kathryn Joosten, start of The West Wing and Desperate Housewives
Joosten didn’t start acting until she was 42 and didn’t go to Hollywood until she was in her 50s. Her first memorable role came at the age of 59 and by the time she died at age 72 had been awarded two Emmys and was loved by millions.
So the next time you think you’re “too old” – remember that the fact that you “aren’t getting any younger” is exactly the reason you need to get on and do what you want, now!
Bye for now!
Best wishes,
Bernardo Moya,
CEO The Best You
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