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I’m forcing myself to stop “saving” my clothes by Gretchen Rubin


This morning I had to force myself to put on the soft, stretchy pink hooded sweatshirt my mother gave me for Christmas. It wasn’t that I don’t like it; I like it TOO MUCH. I find myself “saving” it.


Because of this habit, I find that I have two piles in my closet: one of ratty, worn-out clothes I wear too much; and one of things I love, but refuse to wear, because I want to keep them nice.


Clearly this is ridiculous. Last weekend I threw away most (I confess, not all, just couldn’t manage it) of the ratty pile and reminded myself of the things I should be wearing.


Here’s an example. With pants and boots, I’ve been wearing a pair of black socks with holes in the heels and sprung elastic. In the same drawer, I have a new pair of black socks, still in the packaging, from Christmas two years ago.  I kept wearing the horrible pair “one last time.” It’s no less wasteful to keep wearing the worn pair; I’m wasting the perfectly good socks by not wearing them! No more.  This is one of my twelve commandments: SPEND OUT.


“This post first appeared on Happiness Project.”

Ali Campbell

Ali Campbell is one of the world's leading life coaches and NLP'ers. He has built an enviable reputation as a highly motivational Coach, Therapist, Author and Presenter. Ali is the creator of the internationally acclaimed weight loss solution, The Slim Girls Box Of Secrets sold in over 44 countries and any internationally bestselling author with Just Get On With It - A caring compassionate kick up the ass published last year by Hay House even outselling the Dali Lama. As a trusted advisor to celebrities, business leaders and even royalty around the world. in the UK Ali is widely featured in the media, on television, radio and in print. With expertise gained right at the cutting edge of personal development Ali's no nonsense 'arm round your shoulder and a kick up the butt' style makes him truly unique in a field often dominated by more spin than substance.

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