I’m a total geek when it comes to personal development
Sara Davison’s Break-Up Recovery Retreats give people the tools they need to better cope with break-ups, deal with their negative emotions and move on with confidence. Sara enjoyed sharing her knowledge at this year’s EXPO:
There are so many people going through difficult breakups and it’s important to let them know that there are ways to help them cope better. I hope my talk demonstrated to the audience that relationships do come to an end, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your life. It can be a golden opportunity to redesign your life just the way you want it.
I wanted to share my techniques and strategies and give people a tool kit of information to survive and thrive after their breakup. I had a full room for my speaking slot at the EXPO, which was wonderful, but I haven’t always been confident speaking in public. I used to be very shy when I was younger and the thought of public speaking terrified me. I certainly never dreamed I would do it for my career! I now get excited rather than scared before I speak; I focus on all the people I can help and that calms my nerves. Although some nerves are normal and help the adrenaline.
My highlight of the EXPO has to be the mini coaching sessions on my stand, as I met some incredible people who were visiting the show. It’s always important to let people know what you’re doing in business and how it could help them. The EXPO gave me a great platform, and brings like-minded people together. I gave away free copies of my new book Uncoupling -How to survive and thrive after breakup and divorce to everyone who attended my talk this year.
After my talk, a lot of people came to my stand to ask questions. I was commonly asked how I could help in their particular breakup situation. Every breakup is different, but my techniques can help everyone, so it’s about tailoring them to suit the individual.
Another aspect of the EXPO that I really enjoy is listening to other speakers as I’m a total geek when it comes to personal development. I never stop learning. This year Michelle Mone really moved me with her story.
For more information visit www.saradavison.com/break-up-recovery-retreat/