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How to believe in Love again (even when it seems hard to believe in)

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It’s not difficult to lose hope in Love these days of always something new around the corner, especially if it seems that Love keeps passing you by or just not working out as you hope. Ironically, the weeks around Valentine’s Day and Christmas are some of the most common for couples to break up. So you might be finding yourself alone and down on Love at this point.

But take heart, even if you feel negative about Love right now, you probably also can remember or imagine how wonderful it feels to be with someone special.

As a Love Coach, I’m always looking for opportunities to help people connect with Love again. As the space in this blog is limited, I’ll give you three quick tips to help you to believe again. If you want more help, you can find loads of info, some freebies, and a link to book a free call with me on my website:www.juliakeller.co.uk.

Tip #1: Change your mindset!If you want to change your life, you first have to change your mind. If you’re feeling bitter or angry about Love, or if you don’t believe that true lasting Love will ever come to you, you are probably inadvertently sabotaging yourself with the way you think. Your thoughts are the recipe for what comes to you so if you think positively about Love, it is more likely to take a positive turn for you.

Tip #2: Get into your comfort zone. I normally tell clients to get out of their comfort zone, but if you’re feeling negative about Love and the possibility of finding it, you first need to get comfortable believing that Love is out there for you. In NLP we learn that it’s easier to do something that you’ve already done before, so try visualizing yourself in Love. Make your images as sharp and clear as possible and add genuine emotion to make the visualization more potent.

Tip #3: Love yourself better. If you’re struggling to believe that you can find true, lasting Love, it’s probably because you don’t completely believe that you’re deserving. That’s why all my work with clients begins with helping them Love themselves better first. Once you believe yourself worthy of Love, you will come to EXPECT IT! You will believe that your ideal Love is out there. If you need help to find this for yourself, schedule a free call with me on my website (www.juliakeller.co.uk) and join me on the road to the kind of ideal Love story that I will empower you to write for yourself.

Julia Keller

Julia Keller is a Transformational Love Coach who empowers women and men to be the writer of their personal love story and to find, claim, and improve true love. Julia has studied what makes love succeed, and the qualities of those who find true love, in depth and has used it to help her clients towards their own personal love success stories. You can see more from Julia Keller on her website: www.juliakeller.co.uk, Follow her on Twitter: @JuliaKellerUK, on Facebook and Instagram: @coachjuliakeller and on YouTube (search Julia Keller Coaching). To schedule a free 30 minute Love Tune Up call, go to Julia’s website, or click this link: https://attractauthenticlove.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?appointmentType=1926282

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