How to Be Financially Free Without Working Harder
Too good to be true? Not according to Sandy C. Newbigging, author of Calm Cure
Money – the root of all kinds of evil, or a route to enlightenment and personal freedom? With the right attitude and relationship with money, I believe it is the latter.
If we define money in terms of physical currencies, such as bank notes, coins and cash deposited in bank accounts, there is currently around £70 trillion kicking about. Whereas if we include other forms of nonphysical money, including digital currency and funds invested in financial products, then the total runs into the quadrillions (that’s 15 zeros!).
This means that money is both a physical and a nonphysical entity. I affirm this notion because the nature of money impacts how we relate to it. We all have an objective (physical/outer) and a subjective (nonphysical/inner) experience of money. We have the objective reality of how much money we physically possess and a subjective inner experience of how it feels to have that amount of money.
This distinction can be further exemplified by considering why you want money. Common answers include: to buy things, like property, cars, food, holidays etc. and to feel safe, secure, happy and free. These responses clearly show that there are objective financial desires like property and holidays, and subjective fiscal aspirations like security and freedom. As we grow up, it is common to accumulate a massive amount of conditioning that messes with our inner experience of money.
We have come to rely upon money to define our sense of self and to feel safe, secure, valuable and free. This strategy is destined to fail, because if we seek these subjective experiences from outside means then they will forever be dependent on fluctuating financial conditions. It therefore pays dividends to invest in improving our subjective inner relationship with money if we want our financial experience to improve.
A Healthier Relationship with Wealth
Millions of people have placed far too much importance on money, and a rebalancing of power is needed in order to return to a more sane and serene coexistence with finances. Those frustrated by the amount of money they have and who consistently find it hard to make more, tend to have a conflicted inner relationship with money. The same goes for people with money who are worried about losing it. Our inner world is the basis on which we build our outer world, and thus by establishing the right inner foundation, one can move from frustration or fear to feeling financially free (without working additional hours).
Intention is the subtler reasoning behind why you want what you think you want, and it is so important because this subjective, emotional element greatly impacts what we create in the external world. Meaning, even if you are employing the right strategies for making or maintaining money, if your undercover intentions do not align with your strategic objective then you will end up getting your intent rather than your intended outcome. Applying the power of intention to your financial life involves ensuring that your monetary aspirations are aligned with your intent (why you want it). When fully aligned, subjectively you can be a master manifestor in your objective world.
The Search for Financial Security
One of the most widely held reasons for wanting money is to achieve ‘financial security’. Being safe and secure are primary concerns for most people; however, attempting to acquire an inner sense of security from externally obtained finances is a risky and ineffective strategy. If you require money to feel secure then you will resist anything below the magic amount you believe will deliver the security you are searching for. At the heart of this mentality is fear and feeling incapable, unsafe, and powerless.
Instead, the aim is to remain secure without any fixed financial requirements determining your sense of security. To achieve this, you must stop yourself whenever you seek security from outside means, and instead affirm “I can feel secure without financial security.” I also recommend reading Calm Cure (Hay House, 2017) to attain peace with any personal issues that standbetween you and a rock solid inner sense of security.
The Secret to Financial Freedom
During my journey towards becoming financially free, it did not matter how much money I had because I never enjoyed it or felt free. I spent my days swinging from frustration to fear; frustrated, because I did not have enough. Yet, when I achieved my financial goals, I immediately swung into feeling scared about losing what I had worked so hard to acquire.
As written in Calm Cure, the strategy for financial freedom does not solely focus on having ‘loads-a-money’, but in a willingness to experience the full spectrum of financial possibilities, from rich to poor and everything in between. I appreciate that this may be a big thing to explore. But remember, you remain connected to what you resist. If you are in conflict with your current financial status, then you will most likely remain where you are.
If you are at the lower income end and want to move up the spectrum, then you should do the inner work required to be at peace with how much money you currently have. If you consider yourself to be rather rich, then fear not, this strategy won’t cause you to lose money either. It just means that if your financial situation does happen to change, then you won’t suffer.
Affirm: “I can feel secure without financial security”. When you are at peace with the full spectrum of financial possibilities, the inner conflict, which keeps you lacking or in fear, collapses. As a result, you will more easily transition into greater levels of physical wealth with true emotional freedom.
Calm Cure: The Unexpected Way to Improve Your Health, Your Life and Your World (Hay House, 2017) is available at