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Having a restful Christmas


Give Yourself The Rest You Deserve This Christmas

A recent report tells us something about Christmas that most of us already knew: The approach to Christmas can be a stressful time.
A build-up of “Christmas hormones” in the body over the festive period can lead to over-eating and fatigue, with many people seeking to regulate stress levels by seeking a “fix” from a food high.
All that last minute shopping – the hunt for the right present, the desire to get things done in a hurry, having drinks that should be fun with friends – and then feeling fatigued the next day … All this “good will” can really be hard work!
If that’s what you’re experiencing, right now I’d just like to say one thing: “Stop!”
Take some time out this Christmas. Give yourself a few minutes to enter into the spirit of the time. Keep your eyes fixed firmly on the real prize …

Remember: Christmas isn’t about how much food you can  eat or the presents you give and get – it’s what those presents signify that really count.

Choosing or making a present brings you together with those you care about.
This time of the year is a great opportunity to make others happy to be with you and you to be happy with others.
This ancient ritual gives you the chance to show your appreciation for others, and to have a really valuable time together.
So what I’d like to say right now is be good to yourself.
De-stress. Sit down, have a cup of your favourite hot drink. While you’re sitting there, remember to breathe from low down in your stomach – it’s a great trick to dispel stress.
Once you’ve taken the time to clear your mind, then bring back the real reason you’ve been rushing around and driving yourself crazy.
For me, that real reason is Love. It’s love of friends and love of family.
As for the rest of the stuff – the rushing and the stressing? Well, what can I say?
Give it a rest, this Christmas. And give yourself one, too!
Best Wishes,
Bernardo Moya
CEO, The Best You

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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