Technology is improving the way we look after our bodies and manage illness
The largest social network for health in the world, HealthUnlocked helps millions of people
improve their health every month. HealthUnlocked provides online peer support and self-management with over 600 health and wellbeing online communities, and partners with hundreds of patient advocacy organisations and charities within these communities, providing them with support and expertise. HealthUnlocked also offers a range of unique solutions for organisations and businesses that specialise in access to an active health-focused audience. Making Facebook look like a glorious time waster.
This app is designed by healthcare professionals to help people manage their asthma and understand more about the condition. The asthma control test (ACT) assists people in determining
how well they are controlling their condition by tracking medication use and asthma attacks. MyAsthma strengthens communication between those living with asthma and their healthcare professionals, while also connecting to each user’s everyday life to identify asthma triggers (i.e. location, weather or air quality) and offer useful advice to help prevent future attacks.
Low blood counts are a common side effect of chemotherapy. White blood cells defend the body
from infection, and low white blood cell counts can result in serious infection and problematic
delays to chemotherapy treatments. Affinity is a connected device that enables people with cancer monitor their blood cell counts from home in between chemotherapy cycles. Through a simple finger prick test, the results of which are automatically shared with the user’s clinician, Affinity can help prevent infection and keep treatments on track, while also reducing the time and effort patients need to make to go into hospital for checkups. Affinity provides a supportive, digital link between patient and clinician, saving time, money and worry.