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Get ready to train for your success by Bernardo Moya



A summer of sport is one of the season’s treats, and each year I am astounded by the levels of physical achievement that athletes around the globe reach in every event. If, like me, you’ve ever pondered what it takes to become an elite sports star, we have real insight in this month’s issue.

I was privileged to spend time recently with NBA player and motivational speaker John Amaechi OBE, and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson (don’t miss our September issue to read The Best You’s interview with her!). Both are amazingly modest about their sporting achievements, but the one thing that unites them and every other sports star is the sheer hard work, determination and courage that it takes to reach the top of their league.

It’s an insight that we can all share and apply to our own dreams, in whichever area of life that we strive to achieve in. Self-belief, along with determined 
effort, are key to success and at The Best You our goal is to bring you the best advice to help you on your own journey of personal development.

Along with our interview with John Amaechi, this month we also chat with Sky Sports presenter Tony Wrighton who has used NLP to transform his career, and profile Lewis Hamilton who has achieved so much on the track from an early age.

Whether your goal is to get in shape, improve your fitness, start a business or improve your state of mind, this month’s issue has all you need to succeed.

And for further inspiration, book your tickets for our Inspiring People Talks and The Best You Exhibition – email us at [email protected] for details.

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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