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Changing lives, inspiring people, one at a time by Bernardo Moya

With our sister company NLP Life Training, we’ve just delivered eight seminars in 19 days to more than 1,000 people who attended our courses.

We love what we do and we love to meet the people who attend our courses and when we see a sparkle in their eye. We have seen this many times when people ‘dip’ into personal development looking for inspiration, ideas, positive beliefs, positivity… people always want more. Discover how we’re helping people to achieve their dreams on page XX.

They start asking themselves, ‘What else can I do? What else can I learn?’ In some of our courses we teach people how to break limiting beliefs like phobias, anxieties and so many other things that restrict their ability to live the life they want. A large percentage of these people then go on to become ‘agents of change’ themselves, with a licence to help others change their lives too.

And that’s what we do, that’s what The Best You is about, changing lives, one at a time, one video at a time, one article, one magazine, one event, one exhibition! One person at a time. So thank you for your support, and thank you for reading The Best you which is now available by print on demand all across the world with our publishing partner IngramSpark.

These are exciting times in the world of personal development, and we have many plans to help even more people to be inspired, including the first ever The Best You Exhibition which takes place on 27-28 February at ExCel. Read more about it and the amazing names from the world of personal development who will be speaking at the event on page 62.

This issue we have inspiring words from Barbara De Angelis, Simon Sinek, Mike Dooley and Rachel Kelly; we have holistic healthy living advice from Jason Vale, Janey Lee Grace and Shea Vaughn; and we reflect on the achievements of man of the moment Daniel Craig and legendary football star Wayne Rooney. As always we love to hear from you, so tell us what is inspiring you by email, on our social media channels and in your blog and vlog posts.

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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