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Brian Rose: Lighting The Path to Success

brian rose

Entrepreneur and founder of global media company London Real on how to grow as a person, a brand, and a business

Every now and then, someone enters your life who shows genuine interest in helping you succeed. It might be a teacher at school, a mentor at work, or someone you find in the world of self-development. They exchange ideas and devote energy into helping others strive to become better at each day. Having a vested interest in the success of others is not only gratifying, it’s rewarding and better yet – it’s the the first sign of a true leader.

Brian Rose is exactly that leader. Back in 2011, Brian was considered ‘successful’. He had a good job, earned decent money, and a nice place to live – but he had enough of the corporate world, the money grabbing, the status chasing, and the repetitive treadmill. So he took six months months, started a YouTube channel and video talk show called London Real to show the world how they could be the best version of themselves.

Since then, London Real has produced over 500 episodes that have been watched over 250,000,000 times. Guests have included Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, The 4-Hour Workweek author Tim Ferriss, 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. London Real has an audience of over 1,000,000 subscribers and over 3,000 students have graduated from the London Real Academy.

Brian took to the stage at The Best You Expo 2019 to share his passion for helping everyone fulfil their potential. He believes “it’s very hard to fail completely if you aim high enough.” You don’t need to change the world tomorrow – things take time, and consistency – but you need a strategy. Here are Brian’s 10 most important habits to growing as a person, a brand, and a business.

1. Have a Strategy

Brian’s great talent is not art or technology – it’s strategy. He puts the right people in the right place, becoming the Richard Branson of the podcast world. He has built a strong team around him, and treats every guest as a mentor, getting some of the best business and life advice.

2. Be Adaptive

Brian’s vision has always been the same but he isn’t afraid to change direction. You, too, should be ready to tweak your product, service, or whole startup to adapt to your audience. Be humble enough to take advice from the experts.

3. Take Risk

Everything is a risk – including not taking a risk. Brian admits that the number one risk that changed the podcast, and the whole of London Real as a business, was letting Dan Pena into his life. Brian shifted from spiritual and laid back to demanding the best of himself in every aspect of his life. Every time Brian has to change his product or service, he risks upsetting his audience, but it’s a necessary part of growing a business.

4. Take MASSIVE action

If there’s one thing that has truly made London Real what it is, it’s Brian’s dedication to his work. With a full team, that dedication has become the backbone of the entire brand, encouraging everyone to put in long hours to build something world-changing.

5. Do Good and Get Help

Brian believes that if you help others, you will be helped – but you have to act first. Often the help you give turns becomes incredibly valuable, helping you break through barriers you wouldn’t be able to surmount yourself.

6. Tackle Resistance

You have the move in the direction you want to avoid to move fastest. Do the thing that scares you, and in so your business will move in the right direction quickly. If you complete one of these “scary” tasks each day you’ll feel much more rewarded at the end of the week, month and year.

7. Nurture True Fans

By creating a message and brand he can live his life by, Brian become the face of his brand. By being genuine and helping people, the fans he built are strong and loyal. The London Real culture is so strong that everyone wants to help out, everyone wants to be a part of the community.

8. Balance Perfectionism

Brian has found the balance between trying to make everything perfect and making sure the work gets done. It’s very easy for perfectionism to become procrastination – the key is to toe the line with perfectionism, but always gets the job done.

9. Make Time For The Right People

Brian makes as much time as a busy person can, but he doesn’t spend time with people who aren’t serious. It’s simple: if you’re creating something great and helping others, Brian will make the time for you.

10. Build a Love Brand

Brian created a community of the best people around and his events are unique and authentic. In being true to his intentions, Brian is building a brand customers love, not like.

For more information visit www.LondonReal.tv

The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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