I’ve been thinking about whether network marketing opportunities who promote more essential type products have advantages over those who don’t.
The purpose of this post is to share some of my thoughts with you and have you add to the discussion in the comments section below.
What are Essential Products / Services ?
I define these as those required by the general mass population in their day to day living. They could also be products/services that are essential for operating a business.
You might argue that what’s required by one person may not be prioritised as important by another.
Very true, so let me put it to you another way:
When the proverbial financial dwang hits the fan would someone still have a need to use your product/service or could they do without it?
When I started to think of examples of essential products, I wasn’t able to come up with too many but in my mind these might include personal and household soap products, broadband network marketing plans, telecommunication services like mobile phones, website hosting for business etc
The Case for Essential Products / Services
We know that the majority of people who get involved in network marketing opportunities often don’t last much longer than 90 days.
When distributors aren’t making any money, the monthly autoship on their credit card which seemed quite reasonable when they started suddenly starts to become a financial burden.
“Do I really need this?” is a question that must come up. I imagine that usually the answer is “No”, which leads them to cancel the autoship and exit the opportunity.
Would it be different if the person was getting a great product they had to use anyway, the value and price of which was competitive in the wider market place? Would they be as easily inclined to cancel?
Is it possible that people would stay in the business for longer if they had a need for the product and so increase their chances of learning to become successful as business owners?
And even if they did decide to leave the business but kept on using the product, would that not mean you would have a better chance of maintaining and even growing your customer base?
The Challenges
The case for siding with the essential products and services seems solid enough so why then are there so few network marketing opportunities to choose from? Take a look at the categories section at Npros.com and you’ll see there are far more non essential products being promoted.
Why is this so?
I’m guessing that network marketing companies are not usually able to compete with the retail model on price which means there’s no good reason why someone would stay with the company if they could get the same product or service for cheaper somewhere else.
I’m not sure what it’s like in your neck of the woods, but in Australia costs for essential services like energy and gas etc continue to soar in price so consumers are continually being encouraged to jump ship to get a better idea
A lot of competition means prices are less stable which would surely pose a problem for network marketing companies if they had to compete in the wider market place.
I know I have probably opened a can of worms here so I’d love you to dive in and squirm for all you’re worth so we know what you think and why. I’m not concerned about who’s right or not but I am keen to hear your opinions though, so go ahead and leave me a comment and please also share this post with your followers. Thank you.
My goal? Helping you achieve yours.
“This post first appeared on Vibe Up.”