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August 2014

Sheesh, are you dealing with this heat as well as we are? It truly is sweltering out there and not much reprive. Well, now that it is that time of the month, you can kick back with a cold one and enjoy the August issue of The Best You.

We’re getting happy this month with the guy who started a world wide happiness phenomenon – Pharrell Williams. Many people call him an overnight superstar, but the truth is he’s been around for ages, but kept behind the scenes. Now he’s taking on the world stage and making everyone quite jolly in the process. And speaking of jolly, we also catch up with Raman Raheja, who is making it his mission to bring the ancient sport of Kabaddi to the mainstream, which we think is jolly good!

If you’re lucky, you might be heading off to Edinburgh for their annual arts festival. We have asked some festival veterans on how to cope with all the madness and still have a great time. And if you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, we have picked 12 of our favourite quotes from the most inspirational people and given some of the stories behind them.

We are also continuing our ‘What does it take..?’ column, and this month we chat to a young fashion designer who created her own opportunities in the cutthroat industry, Emily Tonkin. And Christine Meerman-Cooper ticked a big one off her bucket list when she and a pack of Alaskan malamutes trekked across a snow desert. It was tough, but luckily she survived to tell us the tale.

There has been so much debate around video games, on whether they do more harm than good. We got two lovely ladies to battle it out in a debate – Nicola Pallitt who graduated with a PhD and is now looking at the effects of video games in learning went head-to-head with a Year 3 teacher from Surrey. Read them both and pick a side.

All this and so much more!

All contributors include: Christine Meerman-Cooper, Emily Tonkin, Emma Hammett, Janet Murray, Jennifer Caverhill, Kate Nightingale, Michael Jacobsen, Dr Nicola Pallitt, Oscar Del Ben, Dr Rohan Weerasinghe, Susan Hepburn and Vincent Wong



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The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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