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Are you living? by Bernardo Moya


William Wallace said, “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” So my question to you this month is are you living? Or are you letting time pass by? We are all very different, in so many ways.


Some people focus on working and saving their money for a rainy day. Others focus on people and trying to make a difference in the world. And some people prefer to focus on learning from the way others have lived their lives by reading novels and autobiographies, or even watching movies and television series. Reading books and Watching movies and TV series can be great, but keep in mind that you are here on earth to live your own life too – not just to learn from other people’s stories. If you spend your whole life on your couch in front of a screen, what would the movie of your life look like? How would your biography read? That said, it is your life, and there is no right or wrong way to live it. As long as you are reaching your full potential and learning along the way.


Are you collecting enough memories? Are you spending enough time with your family, friends and loved ones so that you could adequately complete chapters or episodes of your own life? What is your life looking like? Is it a comedy, a romance, or an action film? Whether you are living your life to the fullest or find your self stuck in a bit of a rut, we could all use some inspiration from time to time. Whether it is to inspire you to keep doing what you are doing, or start a new chapter. In this month’s issue we have chosen 12 of our favourite inspirational quotes from wise people of the decades and centuries, and because quotes can be better appreciated with a bit of context, we’ve given you a bit of a back-story to each quote.

And if that’s not enough inspiration, we have a great story in this month’s issue from a woman named Christine Meerman Cooper, who followed her dream of trekking across Alaska with a pack of Malamutes. If you’re heading up to Edinburgh for the festival this month, be sure to check our survival guide. Now there’s an event where you can make some great memories for the memoir. And our cover star Pharrell Williams has been an inspiration to so many, literally spreading happiness across the world.


So be inspired. Make time count. Make sure you live.

Bernardo Moya

Bernardo is the founder of The Best You, author of The Question, Find Your True Purpose, an entrepreneur, writer, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter to some of the biggest names in Personal Development. He is editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine – a fascinating voice in the Personal Development world.

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