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All I want for Christmas… is courage by Jessica Huie


If you were to base your assumptions on the world of business, on The Apprentice or Dragons Den, you could be forgiven for cowering in a corner and never taking the required steps toward making your business idea a reality.

No doubt about it, running your own business is not for the faint hearted. It is not the easy option and it requires courage. The kind of bravery and resilience that keeps your spirits up when things don’t go to plan, and in extreme cases your livelihood is on the line.

In order to be successful you have to make yourself vulnerable. Take risks. Tread untrodden ground, go against the grain, and it’s a lonely road. Invest in your passion and you’ll learn more about yourself than employment could ever teach, and regardless of whether your venture fails, you will grow.

Thankfully, amongst the caricatures of business moguls we see depicted via our TV entertainment business shows, there are some wonderful people out there who will embrace your tenacity and help you to nurture your vision if you are wise enough to take their business hand.

Here are three tips on how to move from procrastination to action, from the serial entrepreneur;

Michael Jacobsen is such an individual. Having Co produced and Co owned Dirty Dancing on Stage which has grossed over $750m globally, and Co-Founded and successfully exited a $100m property company, he knows his stuff. 
The author of the Creativity of business, he has supported many young entrepreneurs, and is mentoring a handful of my peers as we speak.


Develop some Courage

You need to have a belief in your own vision. And if you don’t have a vision, you don’t have anything to believe in. So you need one.
So many times I talk to people I mentor and they lack courage. We also all know people who are ‘going to’ start a business one day selling flowers, marketing their crafts or putting their videography skills into commercial practice at weddings and functions – but never do! They are talkers, but it’s because they lack courage. They also lack clarity.
Did Simon Cowell lack the courage to rebuild a business when he was broke 15 years ago, and had to move back in with his parents? No, he had the courage to start again and build the empire he presides over today.
I happen to believe that to never start is more of a failure than staring and falling short.
So write your vision – your Foundation – own it- and espouse it everywhere you go! This Vision brings you clarity, and manifests your dream to life day by day, giving you courage that this is not just a dream but also a real business concept and a potential commercial reality.


Assess the Need

I always see questions from people around the place asking what is the magic formula for knowing if their product or creative business concept will be a success.
I happen to believe that can be addressed by asking – ‘What is the Need’ and having the desire and the heart to serve that need. Now if there is no immediately visible need for your product, that doesn’t necessarily matter either.
Who knew we needed IPhones, I Pads and Androids 10 years ago – no one – except for Steve Jobs – who as we know, saw the need and made us all realize we had the need. He ‘educated’ us through clever marketing which tapped into our basic desires.
Do you know what need you are serving? Do you want to serve a need? If you answer yes to both, you have a solid business foundation.



Coach, mentor or friend.

Who has ever heard of a successful athlete winning a race without a Coach or training? An Actor performing on the West End Stage without a Director and a team beside him or her, or without rehearsing?
Do you have anyone you can talk to go clear objective counsel and train your business skills and personal mindset with? Businesses are spoilt for choice in the UK, as there are so many places to turn to. Whatever your budget, even if it is nonexistent, there is help out there in the form of Mentors, coaches and even objective family friends.
Most successful Creative Sector entrepreneurs have someone to engage with, bounce ideas across and obtain an objective opinion from. It’s what all successful people in the world do, across all fields. To obtain advice and fill the gaps in your own knowledge strengthens your mindset and business skill base. Strengthening your mindset and business skill base trains you for success.


The Creativity of Business, by Michael Jacobsen is available here


As we close off 2013 and move toward a new year, we owe it to ourselves to live to our capacity. Merry Christmas!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
– Marianne Williamson


Article provided by Jessica Huie Start Ups and PR

Email:  [email protected]

Web: http://www.jhpr.co.uk



The Best You

“The Best You” is a pioneering personal development company dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fullest potential. Founded by Bernardo Moya, the company offers a range of services including transformative events, educational programs, and a vibrant community platform. By providing access to leading experts, inspiring content, and practical tools, The Best You aims to empower people all around the globe.

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