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The mindful way to lose weight – forever by Susan Hepburn

Accredited hypnotherapist and psychotherapist Susan Hepburn developed her Hypnodiet programme in order to help anyone to achieve their perfect size – including many celebrities

Hypnodiet is not a diet. It’s a mind-body revolution: a way to change the way you eat – forever. It changes the negative learned-behaviour eating patterns into positives.

It works because it removes the guilt and stress of yo-yo dieting. Instead, hypnosis provides a simple yet radical way to lose inches, but more importantly to gain control of your eating habits and build a healthy relationship with food.

Susan Hepburn teaches you to enjoy food, make healthy choices, avoid the obvious refined and added sugars and exercise regularly, reaching your target weight without hunger or guilt – and staying there for life.

Almost like deleting files from a computer, the program allows you to remove the emotional associations that cause you to eat when you are not hungry, such as comfort eating or eating because of boredom or stress. You will then ‘reprogram’ your mind with a healthy approach to eating.

Mindfulness is central to Hypnodiet, encouraging you to savour food, replacing self-criticism with self-acceptance, and only eating to satisfy hunger. With Hypnodiet; if you are hungry, you will eat. If you are not hungry, you simply will not want to eat.

By exploring how food might be controlling you, Susan shows how mindfulness is an important psychological tool that can help you to change your relationship with food for life.



One in three British adults are on a permanent diet.

Susan is running a series of seminars in the 5 Star Bulgari Hotel, Knightsbridge, to share her A-listers weight loss programme with you.

The next one is on Saturday 18th March 1 – 3pm.

Book your tickets here: http://thebestyouseminars.co/event/get-the-body-you-want/



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