The Best You’s columnist Janey Lee Grace presents a round-up of the latest products, ideas and innovations catching her eye this month
Your life in 7 days
As you sit down to map out your new year’s resolutions I’d like to chip in one important suggestion – don’t set yourself up to fail! Instead of ‘resolving’ to do a whole host of things you feel you ought to be doing, focus on what you really want. I was the fairy godmother in panto at Christmas (oh yes I was!) and I so wish I could wave a magic wand and make all your wishes come true but the reality is many of us aren’t sure what we want and if we are then we often procrastinate and don’t get started. By mid January most resolutions are broken and we end up reaching for the biscuits.
Nothing brings this home more than the analogy of ‘Your Life in 7 days’. Years ago a normal lifespan would be seen as ‘three score years and ten’, meaning we will hopefully make it till the age of 70. Of course most of us hope to live a lot longer, but bear with me.
So if each decade represents a day, and we are born on a Monday, most people reading this will be over twenty or so by Wednesday already, some of us are into Thursday, even (ahem) Friday or into the weekend.
It really focuses your mind as to how you are spending your time. If there’s something you know you want to do, when will you start it? If not now, when? We all must prioritise what it is we are really here to do, define your purpose and get cracking.
By the way if you are on ‘Sunday’ I wouldn’t worry about that one bit – many game changers are. Here’s hoping we will all make it to a ripe age and beyond, still feeling young, still feeling energised by living our purpose and passion, but why wait to find out? If you know what you are meant to do, start right away. Remember you don’t have to get it right, you DO have to get it going.
Have a drink!
And instead if those biscuits treat yourself to a juice cleanse to kick-start your energy. I’ve just found the brilliant healthy juice company which delivers organic cold pressed juices to the door, no excuses!
If you are planning a ‘dry January’ or a detox, then make it hassle-free. Amanda Nelson, the ‘Easy Detox Expert’, has some tips that are easy to fit into a hectic schedule. She also suggests eating only fruit and veg until midday to keep the body’s natural detoxification cycle. Detox with an Epsom foot bath too. Add a cup of Epsom salts to a basin of warm water and then dangle your feet in the solution for 15 minutes. As well as absorbing magnesium in through your skin, toxins will be sucked straight out of the soles of your feet.
Check out Amanda’s 365 programme at
Buy one, gift one…
Thankfully Christmas is all wrapped up (hopefully) present wise, but here’s one initiative that you can take into 2016 – the idea of buying and also giving to charity, as the January sales kick in (Boxing Day or even Christmas Day I read is massive for online shopping!). There will no doubt be a frenzy of buying, and the ‘buy one get one free’ mentality abounds.
Jasmin Julia Gupta has another suggestion – she is known as the ‘twingiver’ and has a wonderfully simple mission; to encourage the concept of ‘buy one gift one’.
She has started with something close to her heart with her company Twin Hats, a social enterprise, and is also the founder of a cancer hair care charity. She is the UK’s leading expert on hair loss due to cancer treatment and was director for hairdressing with Trevor Sorbie International when her global hairdressing skills took her around the world working with fashion designers and celebs (she actually cut the hair of all of the guys in Take That – very cool!).
Now her focus is on a different kind of VIP – Very Important Patients and Cancer Hair Care leads the way in supporting people before, during and after hair loss due to cancer treatment. It specialises in support for children and young people but also offers services to women and men. So while it’s still chilly, treat yourself or a loved one to a fairtrade hand-knitted woolly hat and Twinhats will donate the profits to commission the perfect hat for a child with cancer.