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How To Be a Money Magnet by Dr Rohan Weerasinghe



Having helped thousands of people on the path to Financial Freedom across nine different countries, Dr Rohan Weerasinghe believes that creating more money in your life starts with learning how to be a Money Magnet.


What is a Money Magnet?


Over the last decade, the term ‘money magnet’ has become widely used in the world of wealth and personal development. In simple terms, a money magnet is a person who, through their intention, passion, and aptitude for spotting opportunities, is able to monetise ideas, conversations, and relationships to the point where money literally comes rolling in. Does that sound impossible to you? If it does, you are likely lacking one or more of the characteristics of the true money magnet. The great thing is that, if you wish, you can make rapid changes to correct this.


Being a money magnet is about being able to keep attracting money into your life for different purposes at different times – it’s about flow. Once you develop the skill of being a money magnet, it will appear to others watching from the outside that you are doing it effortlessly. In reality, it first takes work and discipline; in time, this becomes fun and, eventually, a way of life.


The Key Elements of Being A Money Magnet


As a wealth mentor, I get the opportunity to explore in detail exactly what holds people back from being financially secure. The first major steps to being a money magnet involve being willing to model your approach on others who are already successful money magnets. To help you on the way, here are four steps that will kick-start your journey towards becoming a money magnet:


Step 1: Establish your current template (baseline) with money – in other words, how you and money show up together. Then establish new rules and beliefs focussed on you becoming a money magnet.


Step 2: Clarify your vision for future wealth that with integrity and purpose. Then establish the vehicles through which you wish to attract more money into your life (e.g. business, investments, etc.)


Step 3: Clean up your existing credit file. Review your existing debt and types of borrowing and get on top of your money management systems. Give your money a purpose and direction, thus allowing it to flow to you.


Step 4: Become a human tuning fork for opportunities and for people that have money and who want to share it with you. They are out there if you approach them the right way and with the right incentive.


What is your current money template?


The first step (establishing your financial template) is often overlooked as people rush into different opportunities and throw money at different investments – often finding that these investments don’t come to fruition. The reason is they have the wrong money template.


As civil engineer I developed templates and blueprints drawings that went from the paper to becoming huge, multi-million pound buildings. We all have templates for our health, our relationships and, without doubt, a template for dealing with money. This financial template defines every aspect of your money experience. Here are a few examples:


  • Your choice of income generation (job, self-employed, entrepreneur)
  • Your financial risk profile
  • The type of investments that you do or do not make
  • Your ability or inability to deal with debt
  • How well you manage your finances
  • The financial partners you attract into you life


The starting point in Step 1 is to take a good hard look at your beliefs about money and where they came from. This means really digging deep to find out what has been holding you back. I have witnessed on some occasions how a single negative event has created a financial block in a person’s life. Imagine going through your life struggling financially and never being able to triple or quadruple your income because of one limiting belief. That would be a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions but one that so many people encounter. Take the time to clean up and recreate a new set of Money Magnet Beliefs. This alone will change your financial outlook and behaviours.


Then you must work on reviewing your credit files and existing debt. This is essential. Awareness is the first step to change. Seeing things in black and white will help you get focussed. You must work diligently to clean this area of your life up. Money will flow when you release blockages.


Finally, wake up each morning with a clear expectation that you can, that you deserve to, and that you will attract money in a healthy and ethical way.


Dr. Rohan

It wasn't always this way for Dr Ro, and as a young boy he watched his father suffer multiple strokes, become paralysed in one side and blind, whilst his mother worked two jobs to feed both him and his two brothers. "Losing my father at the age of 13 was a major Turning Points in my life " says Dr Ro. He is quick to point out that this was one of many that include divorce, walking away from a career with a PhD, failure and success in business and seeing his mum experience cancer. However, what draws so many people to watch Dr Ro speak again and again is his passionate belief that we all have the ability to turn any situation around on a personal and business level. In 2002 together with a business associate, Dr Ro started to develop a property portfolio that grew rapidly. Very soon Rohan was being asked to teach and inspire audiences on the subject of Wealth Creation which he still does around the world. In 2011, Dr Ro, published an Amazon Best Selling book, Turning Point,which he has also developed into a 3-day intensive program. The process and tools Dr Ro shares help to provide rapid and lasting change for anyone prepared to apply them correctly. From money to health, from business to relationships - anybody exposed to Dr Ro's passionate delivery, live coaching sessions and practical tools experience deep personal life changes. Having touched ten of thousands of lives, Dr Ro is now recognised as one of Europe's most inspiring speakers. He is called upon by companies, seminar organisers, sales organisations, training companies, charities, colleges and universities to deliver his powerful impactful message. Having created an entire live and online education program, built successful businesses and experience business failure, Rohan has developed many powerful tools and learning lessons for his audiences. Today Rohan is called upon by companies, seminar organisers, sales organisations, training companies, charities, colleges and universities to deliver powerful and moving presentations. His primary message has three elements: The importance of aligning with our true Purpose Understanding and re-aligning the core values that define who we are Developing a deeper, universal connection in order that we tap into unlimited resources that will allow us to achieve our purpose and to be able to give beyond ourselves His journey continues as he expands both his brand and his message globally.

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