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Brilliant ideas to get that holiday ‘feeling’ WITHOUT leaving your home for children/families.

Especially now, when you can’t get away. You don’t have to go away to get away from it all. If you’ve had a surprise break in routine, or you’re short of cash, or just don’t want the stress of flying, why not holiday at home with your loved ones or on your own?

To get the real relaxing benefits of the ultimate stacation, you’ll need to plan, just like you would  if you were heading out to foreign shores. 

Try asking yourself these questions to get the best from your home stay:

What do you want to get away from?

Holidays usually give people an escape from routine. Identify for you the things you want to switch off from. Do you need to:

  • switch off tv, so you don’t get the same adverts, shows and opinions that you always get? – And that includes the news!
  • let the internet wait? Can you switch off the internet and go off grid? Especially with social media?
  • take a break from everyone and just hunker down, not answering phone calls or messages? 
  • have a spring clean of friends and followers – online and off?

Ask what else is taking up your daily round. If your life is filled with reflexive behaviours and responses that you don’t need, give yourself time to think about new things instead! Remember the old adage ‘a change is as good as a rest’? Well, it’s time to change your routine – and that means stopping what you’re doing in your everyday life, at least for a few days.

So, with all the unnecessary stuff stopped – and maybe with a family to think about, too, are you now feeling like you’ve got a great big vacuum in your life? 

Some people can only stop doing everyday things when they are forced to by sitting on a beach on the other side of the world. If you find lack of structure bearable on vacation, but difficult at home, then it’s time to start doing the things you have always wanted to do.

Make a list. Is there a book you’ve always wanted to read? Maybe there’s a class you’ve always wanted to attend, either alone or with your partner and / or family. Remember, when you’re on holiday the tour operator might provide an itinerary, or you might go out and explore independently. Have exactly the same attitude at home. Now is the time to see your home town as a holiday destination.

Set yourself a schedule. Are there places you’ve wanted to visit that you never did? So often people take their home town for granted. Imagine you’re visiting a new town. Eat at places you never eat. Are there exhibitions, events, fairs, and museums you’ve always wanted to go to but never have? What’s going on in your hometown during the day that you never normally get the chance to take part in? Find introductory courses in arts, languages or anything else you want to try. 

If you never normally have time to go out and do ‘frivolous’ things, is there a show or movie you want to see? Cinema in the daytime can be great fun, and very often it’s quieter, so you can really get into the movie.

At home, is there a place you’d love to mooch? A couple I know set up their bed in the back garden one summer and slept under the stars! If the weather’s looking too British, pitch a tent in your back garden! One friend of mine spent an entire week sleeping in a different bedroom in his own home, playing a personal development CD every morning and evening and completely immersing himself in the course. At the end of the week he felt fantastic and said he’d learned so much about himself.

So, the big question is: how are you going to have fun and pamper yourself? Remember: this is not wasted time, relaxing and enjoying yourself is exactly what you deserve!

If you feel the need to de-stress in your own home, try out these tips:

Breathe right. 

Sit quietly, take a long deep breath into your tummy and let it go. Repeat for a minute. You’ll be amazed how quickly it helps calm you down.


Imagine yourself in your most favourite relaxed space then see yourself floating into that place. See what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel in that space. It really helps.

Meditate. These few days off might be a great way to master mindfulness techniques, which can drastically reduce stress levels. 

Spoil yourself. 

Try out some basic yoga from online videos – they really do help you chill out.

Binge. That box set you’ve wanted to do for ages might take your mind off any stress.

Love being quiet. Remember, you don’t need to feel guilty when you treat yourself. You deserve some time off, just like everyone else!

For more go to www.thequestion.co


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