10 best ways to good night sleep
You might not be able to control all of the factors that interfere with sleep, but you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep
Feeling worn out? Getting your nightly eight hours is key to your body and mind functioning at their best – from keeping your appetite in check to lowering blood pressure and even protecting your brain. Help remove the factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep with these top tips:
- Try to nod off and get up at the same time every day as it helps set your body’s internal clock. If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm.
- Avoid screens two hours before your bedtime. The bright blue light emitted by your phone, tablet, computer, or TV can be If that sounds impossible, turn the brightness down.
- Make sure your room is as dark as possible when it’s time to sleep. Use heavy curtains or blinds, or try a sleep mask.
- Avoid a weekend lie-in. The more your weekend/weekday sleep schedules differ, the harder you’ll find it to regulate your natural sleep-wake rhythm. If you need to make up for a late night, go for a daytime nap.
- However, while napping is great to make up for lost sleep, if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, it can make things worse. If you must nap, limit them to 20 minutes in the early afternoon.
- No TVs in the bedroom. The light from a TV suppresses melatonin, which helps sleep, and many programs shows are too stimulate your brain to be more alert.
- If you get sleepy way before your bedtime, do something mildly stimulating, such as calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day.
- Keep the lights down if you get up during the night to use the toilet. If you need some light to move around safely, try installing a dim nightlight in the hall or bathroom.
- Think about investing in sleep-aid technology, such as the Lark wristband and app. It wakes you with a gentle vibration, tracks your micro-movements all night, and gives you a full report about your night’s rest.
- Use an alarm clock to wake you up, not your phone’s clock. If possible, don’t keep your phone in your bedroom when you sleep. It will help remove the temptation to check it if you stir during the night.